Finds the boundingRectangle of the desired index, not every area within the rectangle will click the item
Finds the center point of the inventory's index
Gives center for a position (row, column). Example, item at index 0 is referenced by (0,0) or 6 by (1,2).
Converts an index to it's positional representation. Example, item at index 0 is returned as (0,0) or 6 as (1,2). This exists only for people who want a single atomic call to get inventory column and row. Doesn't throw an excception if out of bound.
Gives the row of a given index. Does not throw an exception if index is out of range.
Gives the index for a given row and column. Does not throw an exception if row/column are out of range.
Gives the row of a given index. Does not throw an exception if index is out of range.