Component Stream
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose width and height bounds match at least one (1) of the parameter rectangles
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose content type matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Get the first entity from the stream
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose height matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Check if the stream is NOT empty or not
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose item id matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Get the last entity from the stream
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose model id matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Filters for components which are containers of other components (parents of children components).
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose scroll height matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose scroll width matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose texture id matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose tooltip matches the parameter Pattern
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose tooltip equals to at least one (1) of the parameter strings. Comparisons ARE case sensitive.
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose tooltip contains at least one (1) of the parameter strings. Comparisons are NOT case sensitive.
Filters the current query's contents to only include components that are currently visible and in the viewport
Filters the current query's contents to only include components who match the specified widget index
Filters the current query's contents to only include components whose width matches at least one (1) of the parameter ints