Widget Interactions
This page's aim is to walk you through different types of widget interactions and how you can use them in real scenarios.
What you might not know, is a lot of the API is an interface to dealing with widgets. For example your inventory and banking API is all done by using widgets.
Static Widgets
Getting Values
Previously in the Basic Fundamentals section, we talked through static widgets and how to briefly use one.
Static widgets have their benefits, including the speed of directly using a widget rather than having the client filter for it.
In my MLM script I use a static widget to return the number of pay-dirt in the sack as shown in the top left corner of the screen.
That widget is defined in my script as so;
I can then in my tasks refer to the value of the text by using the following:Again in the basic fundamentals, I spoke about some of the drawbacks to using static widgets. The main one being the fact that these component values can change. Meaning the 382, 3, 2 may in the future be 382, 4, 3. This would require me to update my script with future updates.
Interacting with the widgets is very much the same as interacting with the rest of the games entities as the API keeps it nice and simple.
I've defined 2 components, one is the main widget for the spell book. The second is the high alch component
This means I can do the following,
A: Check it's visible
B: Click it
C: Wait till the inventory is open
Disclaimer, there's an entire magic API, this is just an example.
Condition.wait(()->Game.tab()==Game.Tab.INVENTORY, 150, 10);
Component Stream / Dynamic Filtering
Here we can now use variables to return a component dynamically. This is great for future proofing your script against component changes.
You can do this just like querying in any of the other API streams.
public int spellBookWidget = 218;
public int varrockSpellTexture = 27;
Here I've checked the stream is currently not empty for a widget under 218 with the texture 27. Then we filter the stream and bring the first() forward and click it.